Guitar with flowers on the base

Seddon Park Funeral Home - Hamilton

In May 1993 Seddon Park Funeral Home Ltd was established by Lynda Thomas, Keith Osborne, Anthony & Fergus Eddy. Their business started in an old brick building on the Corner of Seddon Road & Somerset Street, Hamilton. The land was previously used for a bus depot, was subdivided and a portion was sold to St John Ambulance. The old stucco building which housed the parcel depot was demolished to make way for the new custom-built funeral home and chapel. In October 1993 staff moved into the new office block and the old brick building was demolished.

The forward thinking of these entrepreneurs established the first custom built funeral home with chapel and catering facilities on the same site in Hamilton.

Sadliers Funeral Services

In 1997 Matthew and Joanne Sadlier moved from Hamilton to Morrinsville with their family and established Sadliers Funeral Services at 358 Thames Street, Morrinsville. Matthew had been in the funeral industry for six years by then and soon established a rapport with the local community. They also acquired premises in Forest Lake Road, Hamilton to serve their Hamilton friends and clients. In 2001 Matthew employed Liz Needham to assist with administration and this enabled Joanne to pursue her theological studies.

Seddon Park Funeral Home & Sadliers Funeral Services

In July 2007 Matthew and Joanne Sadlier bought Seddon Park Funeral Home. Hamilton has a staff of nine employees and Morrinsville has one part time Funeral Director. The main administration takes place in Hamilton. In 2008 Matthew appointed Ferdi Bosch as the Company Manager under the guidance of Matthew.
In February 2023 Matthew and Joanne Sadlier sold Seddon Park Funeral Home to PFP NZ Limited. This included the Hamilton and Morrinsville Branches.
Propel Funeral Partners retained all the staff and offered Ferdi Bosch the position of General Manager.